Tearms and conditions  

  • our tearm are to user - 
                            user has no freedom to copy our data and fair personal use.
  •      we  dont asks  user  data like log in info and other information. user simply access our data by coming on our web so user cant file any elligations  on eyenewshindi.blogspot.com.
  • if any user has any problem from our post then pllease tell us.and contact us.
  • if any user find error and ecorrectness in our post then tell us.
  additional tearms - 
                                      our tearms are reagarding the news.and we finds news posts at the social media and we analyzes all the data and after that we creates new posts. so user has some limits to say aboutata.
as per upeer side content..

additional conditions - 
                                    eyenewshindi.blogspot.com has some conditions as per following.

  1) user has no any rights to collect and post data.
   2) no any user can copy our data and use for self need.
every user can read our post for improving their knowladge.